6:24 PM

Another kudos...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

Kudos to the Park Theatre in Goderich for next week's movies. Starting Friday, July 11th, we can see:

  • Hancock
  • Get Smart

AWESOME! You go Park Theatre.

Why get Hell Boy 2: The Golden Army, set to open on Friday, when you can get movies that have been open for over 3 WEEKS?!

And how about some Wall-E? Honestly...it's summer and what kid wants to see Hancock or Get Smart?

"Getting Smart" the Park Theatre obviously isn't.

I hope Gananoque has a half decent theatre. Jeremy and I are headed there this weekend for a wedding and we're hoping to catch either Wall-E or Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.


JackiYo said...

I can usually tell by the entry who wrote it before I get to the bottom. This time you had me fooled. Thought it was Jeremy ranting again!

Failsafe said...

For the record, I would never say or type "You go anything" :)

JackiYo said...

You go, bro!