12:16 PM

Any Rhyme or Reason...?

Posted by Failsafe

Here's a little rant about the Park Theatre here in Goderich:

These guys seem to keep outdoing themselves when it comes to failing miserably at picking movies. Granted, I'm not familiar with what contractual obligations they're bound to regarding the time period certain movies must stick around, but they've got to be able to do something! There is no reason for a movie to be taking up one of the two screens for three weeks, especially in the summer! The latest example:

I opened this week's Signal-Star hoping to see the movie I've been wanting to see since last Friday - WALL·E. Guess what? We get one new movie (i.e. just opening) which is Hancock. Okay, it's new...that's good. But, it's going to have FAR less draw than WALL·E. Second, Kung Fu Panda is sticking around for its third straight week! They should be turning these movies over quicker. It's summertime and there's at least one new high-profile movie coming out every week. Keeping one movie around for more than two weeks is just letting higher profile movies sail right past.

It's lovely what no competition does, isn't it?


CivilWar Fangirl said...

This is also the same P.O.S. theatre that kept Titanic around for 10 weeks. And that was when there was only one screen!