According to Jeremy, I made "the best pizza" he's ever had! Yes, the pizza turned out AWESOME! I was actually surprised AND very pleased! I know, it's sad...I'm really excited over some pizza I'm made BUT it turned out better than I expected!
The dough took about 90 minutes to knead/rise in the bread maker. After that, I took it out and kneaded it for another 5 minutes. After that, I put it on the pizza tray. Here's what it looked like:After that, I put it in the fridge and took it out at about 4:30. At 5:30, it was ready to go and baking in the oven! The toppings were very basic: Olive oil and tomato sauce, peppers (frozen), a few carrots, mushrooms and Parmesan cheese. It took about 12 minutes to bake. Both of us were really hungry by the time it was finished so I unfortunatly did not get pictures of it completed as a whole. Here is what I did get (just a few slices) but I think it gets the point across:
And it was DELICIOUS! I loved it cause it was not greasy at all and it didn't have a lot of cheese (I have problems eating dairy and a lot of cheese usually is not great for me). The whole wheat flour I added along the the Italian Seasoning (added to the dough) made it very tasty! We both agreed that it is something we'd definitely have again. It was very easy to make, that's for sure...and MUCH cheaper than ordering from New Orleans or Pizza Hut (and again, way less grease!) or buying a Delissio pizza from Zehrs.
One final picture of Jeremy enjoying dinner:
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