10:02 AM


Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

The Baechler Thanksgiving was held yesterday in Shelburne at Darry & Karol's. A big thank-you goes out to them for hosting AND for a wonderful meal (it was delicious!). It was also great to see everyone again. I've posted the pictures in our album (link is just on the right hand side of the page under "Our Photos"). Enjoy!

Since it's Thanksgiving, I also wanted to say thank-you to Jeremy's family for always making me feel very welcome! Whether it's just having dinner with his parents or being at a family gatherings with the Baechler's or Allin's, I've always been to feel welcome and like I'm one of the family. You have no idea how thankful I am for that! :)

Jeremy and I are also very thankful about how happy people are about our engagement. It's always nice to hear stuff like that. We are very much looking forward to getting married and seeing everyone at our reception!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! :)