9:17 AM

Gears of War 2

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

Finally! After having the game for three weeks, Jeremy and I started the co-op story mode of this game on Friday night. Gears of War is my all-time favourite video and I eagerly awaited the release of Gears of War 2 on November 7th.

Now, the game has not been completely abandoned on our shelves collecting dust. We've had the chance to get online and play with some of our online gaming friends from tehbias (hello to those of you from the site reading our blog). We've tried a few of the multiplayer modes and it is so much fun! I think my favourite mode and the one we've spent the most time on is Horde. In this mode, you fight wave after wave of Locusts (if you have no idea what I am talking about, read up on the game here ) starting with wave one and going all the way to wave 50! Jeremy and I are at about wave 20. We attempted to try the first few waves are on our own, but soon discovered the Locusts are too much to handle with just the two of us so the next time we played, we had the help of some our fellow gaming friends.

Unfortunatly, we've both been super busy lately and haven't got online to play this game as much as we would have liked. Hopefully we'll be on playing more this week, either to work away at the campaign or playing multiplayer with our friends. Hopefully it's a bit of both! To some of you reading this, hopefully we see you online! :)