8:24 AM

Oh my...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

Yes, it has been awhile! Want the lowdown on what's been happening?

The wedding plans are coming along. I spoke to a potential caterer last night and I think we'll probably go with him. We know we're doing a buffett style meal (I think that makes things super easy!) and we're probably going to do chicken & fish (my family LOVES fish!), vegetables, salad, etc. Basically, all the usual stuff! I've been at one other wedding that had fish (my friend Amanda) and I thought it was the best ever because so rarely is it served at weddings. Everything else is moving along slowly. Next on the list will probably be the gift registry!

We're house hunting! We started looking at houses a couple weeks ago. We've been in quite a few and have a good idea of now what we are looking for in a house! We are actually going to look at another potential house later on this morning.

Last night, Jere & I got in on the 1 vs. 100 X-Box Live beta (available only to Canadians at this point! How cool is that?). It was a lot of fun, particularly when we started off. As more people starting joining in though, we got booted out to the lobby...A LOT! But that's why they call it a beta; I would be surprised if stuff like that did not happen! I'm sure we'll post more on it later. In fact, we're thinking of doing a podcast about it.

Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick update on here because I realize it has been awhile!


Maggi said...
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ICandee said...

Good luck with the house hunting!

CivilWar Fangirl said...

Thanks! The open house we went to today went quite well. We love the house! I'll try and keep the blog updated with how things roll along with that.