9:50 AM

The Road to Charlotte

Posted by Failsafe

So Mary and I leave at 12:01am this Thursday morning for a wedding/vacation/meet-up-with-friends in Charlotte, NC. It's a 1,316km trip there which we're figuring will take us between 12 - 14 hours. As you can see from the map, this should be the fastest way there. We'll head around Lake Erie to Cleveland and take I-77 south straight into Charlotte. I'll also have my trusty GPS with me to guide us there.

So, if everything goes according to plan, we should be arriving at the hotel between 2 - 4pm Thursday afternoon. We'll turn around and head for home first thing Sunday morning. Hopefully fatigue won't be a problem as Mary and I plan on sharing the driving. It should be alright.

We're really looking forward to see everyone (most of whom we'll be meeting in person for the first time). I'm sure we'll take lots of pictures and report back once we return.

And in related news, my car just passed the 40,000km mark Wednesday evening and goes in for an oil change and check-up the day before we leave.


JackiYo said...

Damn Lake Erie... Look how much time you could shave off if you didn't have to go around it!

Congrats (?) on the car milestone! Mine's about to hit 130,000.....