4:13 PM

Rain, rain...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

We need it badly here in Goderich. Rain, that is. Sure, it has rained a little bit over the last few days but nothing of significance.

Last night, Jeremy, my brother and I sat on my parent's porch and watched what we thought would be one crazy thunderstorm roll in off the lake (the three of us are also trying to get Darwin Awards for sitting outside during heavy lightening ;) ). The lightening and sound of distant thunder were promising. We thought it would pour. Turns out storms don't like Goderich and this one took one look at our town, didn't like what it saw and walloped the north instead. We could actually see it moving north along the lake shore. At least we had a nice show of lightening.

It rained this morning for all of five minutes, I think. If that.

Everything is so dry here. It's crazy. Part of me, however, hopes this trend of lack of precipitation will continue, at least until December 14th at 5:30pm when I am finished my internship and have arrived back home in Goderich from Stratford. After that, it can precipitate all it wants in the form of snow, rain, or whatever.

I do love a good rain shower though, and thunderstorm. This summer has certainly been lacking in that. Rain is okay until November, when it could potentially turn to snow. Then I have a problem with it.