12:54 PM

More Christmas pics...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

So, my family is not really the type who take a lot of pictures. I had my camera with me at my parent's place on Christmas morning but only took a few pictures and none of them were of us opening presents. Most of them were of my mum's cat ;). Anyway, here they are:

A very nice looking tree, courtesy of my mother. The tree apparently barfed presents during the night ;)

Missy trying to hide from the camera

Missy again. Check out the demon eyes ;)

Jeremy in the recliner waiting to open presents

This is where Missy sat while we ate dinner. A few days before, my mum said she was going to give this house away since Missy didn't ever use it. The cat suddenly started using it. I don't know how much longer she'll be able to stay in it though because of her ever-growing rear end ;)

My brother Tommy passed out sleeping after some beer dinner

Jeremy after dinner, back in the recliner again