7:09 PM

A Second Opinion...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

Since my visit to the E.R. in Goderich last Saturday, I've been feeling quite uneasy about my ear. The doctor I saw didn't really do anything for me beyond writing me a prescription and confirming that my eardrum had ruptured. In the past few days, I've been kicking myself for not pressing him for more information, like how I should be looking after my ear, what I need to watch out for, etc. I suppose my mindset in the E.R. was, first of all, I was glad to have found out what was wrong and secondly, if there was something I should have known, the doctor would have told me. Apparently not. I now know to press for more information if I ever go back up to the E.R. in Goderich.

All week I haven't been sure if the antibiotics were working. I've been feeling pressure in both my ears, particularly the left one where the eardrum ruptured and just generally, not feeling all too good. The only positive thing was I kept my appetite throughout this whole thing, which surprised me. Today, I went into day 2 of a migraine and was feeling physically and emotionally not good about the whole situation. My left ear had also become very itchy over the past few days.

I ended up going to the hospital in Stratford. My co-worker, Jay, sent me there. I was all set to drive back home and go to the one in Goderich, which was actually making me feel pretty uneasy. I am so glad I listened to Jay! The doctor I saw in Stratford was GREAT and has restored my faith in that there still are some awesome doctors out there! Here is what happened:

  • She gave me antibiotics for five more days. I should have been on them originally for 10-12 days and not just 7 (which is what the doctor I saw at the Goderich E.R. gave me). I'm also taking a higher dosage.
  • Not only do I have an ear infection, I probably have a sinus infection as well.
  • I have ear drops to take now. This is to help with the current infection as well as an outer ear infection that could occur. I'm on these for a week.
  • I have the names of some doctors in Mitchell and St. Mary's who are currently accepting patients. Both the nurse and the doctor told me I should probably have a doctor to follow up on this whole ear thing.
  • She was very reassuring! The pressure and lack of hearing in my left ear is normal. I do need to follow up with a doctor though in a month or so, especially if I think it's not clearing up. She doesn't think I'll need to see a specialist but my new doctor can determine that when I go to see him or her.
  • If this happens again, I might have to consider having tubes put in my ears. I really hope it doesn't come down to that! And I'm also hoping this ear infection is not a sign that my ear problems are coming back.
I feel MUCH better emotionally now about the whole thing. Like I said, I was really worried since the doctor in Goderich didn't offer me much information except for "It should heal on its own". The doctor in Stratford told me what's normal with something like this, etc. She was great! I later found out from my co-worker she is one of the best doctors at the Stratford General Hospital.

As for the Goderich hospital, I'll probably avoid it if I can. This isn't the first bad experience I've had there. I've also had other people in town tell me they've started going to the hospital in Clinton or Seaforth. Crazy, eh?

Speaking of illnesses, poor Jeremy is sick! And yes, he caught it from me most likely. He took yesterday and today off work to rest. He's very congested and not sleeping too good! Hopefully he starts feeling better tomorrow. At least he's got the long weekend to rest though!


JackiYo said...

I agree. The doc I saw in the E.R. was very quick and didn't explain anything. I had to ask about the medication he was about to give my little infant. And even the answer I got was "it's what we give to all babies with croup." He hadn't even confirmed it was croup to me until that response.

Glad you're feeling better (at least emotionally!). Poor Jer. Hopefully we see you guys the weekend!

CivilWar Fangirl said...

Sounds like we might have seen the same doctor! Although I've had different doctors up there do the same thing: very quick, don't explain S^%* to you and basically, get you out as quickly as possible. I understand it's an E.R. but come on! Especially when it's a baby, they should be explaining stuff to you.

Jer seems to be better today; just very stuffed-up! Both of us slept a lot better last night. We should be good for tomorrow so we will definitely see you guys! :)

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