"The Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious" has become my favourite guilty pleasure as of late. And, though he probably won't admit it, it has become Jeremy's favourite guilty pleasure as well. He admitted the other night, "As much as I hate it, I want to see who gets booted this week". His other excuse: "I can't help! We have basic cable and it's the only thing on!". Whatever. To quote my favourite "girlicious" girl Tiffanie: "I love the drama! I live for the drama". Such is the case with myself...and Jeremy. We like "Girlicious"!
Why do I like this show? Honestly, I don't know! I watched the original show "Search For The Next Doll" quite devotedly. I started out hating it but it soon became, just as "Girlicious" has, a guilty pleasure.
It's the show, when someone brings it up, you're apt to say "I hate it!". When really, you're waiting for Monday at 9pm to roll around to see the latest installment on CityTV. And guess what? If you miss the episode, you can be guaranteed MuchMusic will show it about a million times over the next week in one of their "Girlicious" marathons!
I didn't want to like this show, but I do. And I've grown attached to some of the girls! And some of them I just want them gone (like Natalie and Chrystina!).Aww, Carrie! She's not favourite but I do like her. She's got a great voice and she's not an idiot like Natalie. I'm rooting for her to be on of the three that will make up the "Girlicious" group!
Oh, Natalie! How I DO NOT like you! I find her annoying and quite frankly, she's an idiot! She provides lots o' drama however and I wonder if that's why Robin Anton is keeping this girl around. I'll give her this: her voice isn't horrible. However, just because she's an idiot and a bi-otch, I want her gone. She annoys me. Her famous lines? Things like: "Obviously, I'm being put in the wrong group!", "She's just not girlicious enough" (in reference to my front runner, Ilisa"), "It's girlicious, not tomboylicious!" (again, in reference to poor Ilisa! Threatened much, Natalie?) OR "Tiffanie, would you hit me if you saw me in the streets? I mean, come on, this isn't the hood!". Like I said, her one positive is all the drama she brings!
I don't really know what to think of Nicole! I like her more than Natalie but she's not as good Carrie or Tiffanie! Good voice but she's kinda of ditzy. I don't think I really want to see her in the group of three that will be formed from this show.
Charlye. Like Nicole, I really don't know what to think of her! Again, better than Natalie! She's bordering on annoying though. I'll take her over Nicole though in the three that form that group!Oh, Chrystina! She's right up there with Natalie on the annoyance scale! Again, okay voice but ANNOYING and a bi-otch! Chrystina has been in the bottom two twice. She actually said to Robin: "I don't think I deserved to be in the bottom two". YES, YOU DID! YOUR PERFORMANCE WAS HORRIBLE! Oh, and don't tell Robin Anton you didn't deserve to be in the bottom two. I'm sure she knows what's doing. In the last episode, Robin actually pulled her from lead vocals because she wasn't "getting it!". I'm hoping this is a sign that this girl will be GONE soon.
Tiffanie is my favourite! I want her to win! She said in one the episodes "You will love me or hate me!". I love her! Yes, she can be nasty but I think she's honest! And she keeps her cool when she's arguing. The argument she had with Natalie last week was hilarious! Natalie was stumbling over what she was saying and Natalie just kept firing stuff at her. Not only that, but I think she's actually talented! I really hope she makes it.
With just six girls left, there are only two more shows. On one hand, it's sad how into this show I am (or is it sadder that Jeremy watches it?). On the other hand, I watch all of two shows: Lost and Coronation Street. I think I'm allowed to have one more show in there, even if it is something as pathetic as "Girlicious"!
And what is my prediction as to who will form the "Girlicious" threesome? Tiffanie, Carrie and Charlye. We'll find out soon if I'm right!
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sad. just sad.
I think I'll use the "we only have basic cable" argument here. Alas, it's probably too late for that one ;)
I could also use the "I was avoiding finishing my assignment" as to why I actually wrote the entry.
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