9:07 AM

At work...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

At the museum, one of my jobs is to assist with educational programming. The thought of this, at first, really made me nervous! I've done a few programs now and I can honestly say, I'm really enjoying it! At first, I felt like I was way outside my comfort zone but now, it's going well.

The one program I'm doing is called Water-Wise. We have an exhibit at the museum right now called "We All Live Down Stream" and (duh!) it's all to do with water and water conservation. I take the students around the exhibit and go over different things with them and do a couple activities with them. The other program I assisted with was a group of grade 6/7 students that are making an exhibit for the museum.

So far, I haven't really felt too nervous while doing the programs. Once I start going, I'm fine! We had 47 students do the Water-Wise program on Friday and the education coordinator and I received some very positive compliments about it! We kept the kids engaged, they had fun and we spoke to them using terms so they understood the concepts we were trying to get across to them.

Tomorrow, we have 60 students in for the Water-Wise program. The education coordinator wants me to do the introduction but I'm feel kind of nervous about it. Oh well, maybe I'll give it a try! My biggest fear is forgetting to tell the kids something. But, as Will (the education coordinator) says, how are they going to know? As long as I get the key points across. I do feel, however, that doing the entire introduction is coming outside of my comfort zone. Hopefully I can get past that by tomorrow!

Oh yes, and good news! The part time staff at the museum quit (she was only in once a week) and I picked up her day that she was there. So I'm not at the museum four days a week! Right now, I'm working my schedule around when I have programs. However, once end of June rolls around, I'll probably be working Monday-Thursday (hopefully!) plus one weekend a month.