10:05 PM

"Lost" again...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't seen this week's episode (01/28/09), please don't read any further cause there are spoilers.

You've been warned.

Another GREAT episode tonight!! One reason I wanted to do this blog entry was to get my thoughts down right away. As usual, the episode left us with some questions answered but more questions asked.

I really, really enjoyed this episode. I think that is probably because it involved my favourite character of all time: Desmond. Other characters I really like were also heavily in the episode: Locke, Sawyer, and Juliette. I also like Daniel Faraday (spelling?), Charlotte and Myles. I realized tonight I do not like Jack all that much, or Kate. I don't mind Sun, so I hope she's in next week's episode. Oh, and Ben has really grown on me as well. But Jack and Kate? As I said to Jeremy after the episode, "I don't really like Jack and Kate. Jack's a bit of a prick and Kate a bit of a bitch and both of them are annoying" (pardon my french!).

Oh, how I love Desmond though. ;)

Anyway, the time shifting stuff is cool. I'm still waiting for them to run into Doc Brown and Marty McFly at some point ;) Or, after one of the flashes happens and they shift through time, a huge tyrannosaurus rex comes crashing out of the forest or some velociraptors hunt them in the jungle. Like I said, waiting for it to happen...and I'll probably be waiting all season for it ;). But I digress...

It took me awhile to realize when in time they were (i.e. 1954). It wasn't until Daniel started telling the annoying chick with the gun that the island was still here 50 years from now that I clued in.

Now Charles Widmore (spelling?) being on the island in 1954 is interesting. Again, this now adds yet another question. But I suppose it begins to answer the question as to why Charles Widmore has such an interest in the island.

I feel sorry for Locke; everytime he tries to get some info about how to get off the island from Richard, time decides to shift AGAIN.

Why is Charlotte the only one with radiation poisoning? Did I miss something in a past episode that may have exposed her to it? Why is no one else sick? I'm guessing Charlotte is dead...or is going to die. Maybe time shifting will bring her back?

Desmond seems to be going on a bit of a whirlwind journey in search of Daniel's mother. I'm really beginning to think his character is partly based on the Greek hero, Odysseus. The epic poem, "The Odyssey", is about the wanderings of Odysseus after the end of the Trojan War; it actually took him 10 years to get home. I might read the Odyssey again and see if I can find some connections with the character or the story itself. I don't know what it is, but something about Desmond reminds me of Odysseus.

I am very much looking forward to next week's episode even though from the preview it looks like it is more focused on the Oceanic 6.

I will end off there. If I think of anything else during the next few days, I will probably make a post about it. To our readers, if you have any thoughts/theories, please feel free to post them in the comments section!


JackiYo said...

It took you - Ms History Buff - that long to figure out when they were? Sheesh.

Anyway, Charlotte doesn't have radiation poisoning. It's the time shifting that's affecting her. Remember how crap was happening to Desmond at one point and Daniel told him he needed an anchor? Someone he knew no matter when it was. I think the time is affecting Charlotte, but not sure why it's just her.

I like Myles. I hope they develop him more.

Do you know who Daniel's mother is likely going to be? Any guess? I have one......

I agree that Jack and Kate could just go ....

Ben makes things interesting.

It was an interesting thing to have had Charles Widmore on the island since then. Cool.

CivilWar Fangirl said...

I stand corrected about the radiation poisoning (as does your brother ;) ). Time shifting does make more sense! I do remember now that stuff happening to Desmond (that was an episode last season, right?). It's weird how the time shifting affects very few.

No idea who Daniel's mother could be! Who do you think it is? Oh wait...could it maybe the old lady that was in the church? I'm trying to think of other characters but I'm drawing a blank. It probably won't be anyone new; they now seem to be really connecting a lot of stuff together (probably because they only have two seasons left!).

Yay! Another person who isn't fond of Jack & Kate ;)

Thanks for your thoughts! It is always good to discuss the episodes with other people...they could have a seen something you didn't have, have a different take on something, etc.

Oh yeah, how's the mouth feeling?? Better, I hope! :)

JackiYo said...

Yes. The lady in the church at the end. She was in Season 3 at the jewelry store. She wouldn't sell Desmond the ring. That's gotta be who his mother is.

JackiYo said...

And the mouth? Sloooooow recovery.

CivilWar Fangirl said...

Are you back to eating solid food yet? I really hope the recovery process speeds up soon for you!