11:39 PM


Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

Awesome season premiere!!

That's all I'm saying for now just in case whoever is reading this has not seen the premiere yet!!!

Did anyone else watch Lost?? Thoughts? Opinions?? Please post...


JackiYo said...

I liked it, from what I remember in my foggy state! I'm not sure I could comment on anything specific, really. I'd have to be reminded first. It's interesting how they keep jumping time and it wasn't just the once.

JackiYo said...

The character that showed up at the end was interesting as well. We'll see where that takes us....

CivilWar Fangirl said...

I really need to watch it again actually. I can remember certain things but I feel like I need a refresher already! A LOT happened in that episode...

I find the time jumping interesting as well. There was one point, however, I made some comment about them meeting up with Doc Brown and Marty McFly ;).