11:38 PM

Why I have a vendetta against peacocks...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

Let me set this up. This video was film when I was around 3 or 4 years old (so, 1985-86) by my dad. My dad was filming my grandpa and I feeding the peacocks at Fort Wilderness (a resort at Walt Disney World in Florida). Wait for the 2 minute and 8 second mark for the "incident" to occur (I swear, I'm lucky I didn't lose an eye ;) ).

Enjoy!! :)

Oh, and I will consider the score settled when I have a cooked peacock on a plate. I have yet to find a restaurant that serves such a dish ;).

And notice how my dad keeps filming AFTER the incident occurs, with all the peacocks gathering on the balcony. It reminds me of the movie "The Birds". Creepy!


JackiYo said...

I love how he cuts away from you and keeps filming - and you can still hear you crying in the background.