11:31 AM

What I did this morning...

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

I baked:

  • Brownies with peanut-butter chips
  • Thumbprint cookies with jam (sugar-free!)
  • Choco-banana muffins (this was an egg-free recipe I got from vegetariantimes.com. They turned out AMAZING!)
  • Peanut butter cookies
  • Applesauce Spice Bars (actually, these are still in the oven...)
Why all the baking? Valentine's Day! And I just felt like it; I tried a few new recipes and they turned out pretty good!

Now I just need to get some containers and dole this stuff out to people ;)

Tomorrow, Jeremy and I are off to Port Huron, MI for some shopping and a Valentine's Day dinner at the Olive Garden. We thought Olive Garden would be a great place to have dinner on Valentine's Day since it's our favourite restaurant and it gives us a chance for the two of us to go away for the day together. And of course there's all the shopping ;).

On Sunday we're going to my parent's place for Chinese food.

Oh yes, and it's a long weekend here in Canada (Monday is Family Day!). We don't really have any big plans for the day off on Monday but we might hang out with a friend (we tentatively made plans with him for Sunday or Monday afternoon).

In gaming news, since our schedules have finally slowed down a bit, we've been trying to play more games. I started Call of Duty: World at War the other night. What an awesome game! It's set in World War II (again!). I played through the first chapter and LOVED it! I've also noticed I'm much improved at the shooter games; I only died once during the level. My levels of swearing and cursing remain the same though ;) Last night, we popped in Lego Stars: The Complete Saga, and blasted our way through a few chapters in that. The lego games are always fun, especially with two players!

Speaking of games, in a few weeks we're going to be having a retro games night with a couple of our friends! Yes, we're gonna dig out the old systems...the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega, etc. We've also decided to dress up for the occasion so yes, it will be a totally retro night! ;) I'll probably post a list in a few weeks of some of the games we might play.

Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day & Happy Family Day!! Have a good weekend, everyone :).