5:14 PM

What's been happening?

Posted by CivilWar Fangirl

So far, I've posted two reviews to teareviewblog.com. Although I've only posted two reviews, it is a lot of fun and I'm really enjoying it! I also want to stop by Full Circle Tea & Pottery up on the square and picked some of the small bags of tea to try and review!

What else has been happening?

Poor Jere has been sick since Tuesday afternoon. He's got some kind of nasty cold/flu/cough illness. He slept a lot yesterday and today (he's actually napping again right now) and basically just taking it easy. Hopefully he starts to feel better soon! And hopefully I don't catch it from him.

We had a great long weekend! The trip to Port Huron was awesome. We met up with fellow tehbias, Rudy, briefly at Birchwood Mall to drop a package off to him. We also met his daughters, Heather and Emily. All of them were so nice (Emily & Heather were absolute sweethearts!)! And it was great to meet another person from the site. When the weather is nicer, hopefully we can get together again.

Dinner at Olive Garden was delicious! Jere had his usual soup and five-cheese ziti. I had my usual salad but instead of getting pasta, I decided to try the apricot-glazed chicken with a side of tomatoes, aspargus and broccoli. It was oh-so-tasty and something I will definitely be getting again. I also tried a glass of Robert Mandavi Chardonny, which was very good. And I had a glass of red wine with dinner. Don't worry...Jere was the designated driver ;).

We found some really bargains while we were in Michigan, especially at JC Penny. Jere needed to get a new dress shirt and he ended up purchasing five shirts and a pair of pants! Four of the dress shirts were on sale for $4.97 (they're a brand he's purchased before) and were regularly priced at $34.00. He also got another shirt for $10.00. The pants he got were on sale for $30.00. I also found some new shirts at JC Penny. A new hoodie and two new sweaters. All of them were $4.97 each (regularly priced at $42.00!!). The reason for the sales was because it was President's Day weekend.

On Sunday, we took it easy and had some delicious Chinese food over at my parents place.

Monday was Family Day. We ended up hanging out with our friend, Mark, for part of the afternoon. We haven't seen him in awhile so it was great to see him. All of us had a fun time. We watched a couple episodes of the Simpson's and played some video games. Mark brought over some games for us to try. We ended up trying out Legendary (Mark has let me borrow this one. Thanks, Mark!) as well as Fallout 3. Well, Jere tried out Fallout 3...I just watched. Even after just watching it though, I definitely want a copy of the game.

Anyway, hopefully Jere is better by the weekend! We really don't have anything planned but I don't want to see him sick for the entire weekend. I also hope he's better by tomorrow night since we have plans to go out for yellow perch at the Maitland Country Club with my parents.

Hope all is well with everyone! :)


Sean80 said...

Hope Jeremy feels better. :)

Nice job on the deals. Those are insane prices. lol

CivilWar Fangirl said...

Thanks! I hope he feels better soon, too! He's off from work again today as well. Poor guy :(

Yeah, we got some awesome deals in the U.S.! They certainly know how to have sales over there. I doubt if we would ever find deals that good here in Canada.

Anonymous said...

I hope he feels better soon also :) By the way, I just wanted to stop by to say how AWESOME I think your tea reviews are, and how lucky we are to have you on our team of reviewers!!

CivilWar Fangirl said...

Thanks for the well wishes! :) I'll pass them along to Jere. He actually is feeling MUCH better!

And thanks for the nice compliment! I am really enjoying reviewing teas for your site and I'm so glad to be part of the team! May I just say the changes you've made to the site are awesome!

Thanks for stopping by! :)